Biden Took New Hampshire for ‘Granite’

null By John FundJan. 15, 2024 1:42 pm ETWonder Land: Surveying the record of his three years in office, Mr. Biden has decided his re-election turns on two events: the Capitol riot of 2021 and Mr. Trump’s efforts to reverse the 2020 presidential election results in several states. Images: Getty Images/Zuma Press Composite: Mark KellyJoe Biden is running as if he were unopposed for the Democratic presidential nomination, but he may face a comeuppance in New Hampshire. In the name of “diversity,” the Democratic National Committee demoted the Granite State from its traditional status as the first-in-the-nation primary in favor of South Carolina, where Mr. Biden’s 2020 campaign took flight. New Hampshire decided to hold its primary on Jan. 23 anyway, much to the DNC’s chagrin. The state won’t allocate any convention delegates, and the DNC insists that makes the primary “meaningless.” But it could prove an early measure of the incumbent’s weakness. Mr. Biden decided not to put his name on

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Biden Took New Hampshire for ‘Granite’

Jan. 15, 2024 1:42 pm ET

Wonder Land: Surveying the record of his three years in office, Mr. Biden has decided his re-election turns on two events: the Capitol riot of 2021 and Mr. Trump’s efforts to reverse the 2020 presidential election results in several states. Images: Getty Images/Zuma Press Composite: Mark Kelly

Joe Biden is running as if he were unopposed for the Democratic presidential nomination, but he may face a comeuppance in New Hampshire. In the name of “diversity,” the Democratic National Committee demoted the Granite State from its traditional status as the first-in-the-nation primary in favor of South Carolina, where Mr. Biden’s 2020 campaign took flight.

New Hampshire decided to hold its primary on Jan. 23 anyway, much to the DNC’s chagrin. The state won’t allocate any convention delegates, and the DNC insists that makes the primary “meaningless.” But it could prove an early measure of the incumbent’s weakness. Mr. Biden decided not to put his name on the ballot, forcing allies to run a write-in campaign against Rep. Dean Phillips and self-help author Marianne Williamson.

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