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  • 10/10/1984
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  • Promote the continuous development and progress of cross-strait relations

    Ancient China advocated harmonious coexistence and harmony among all nations under the world, and did not kill indiscriminately and sacrifice people, forming an international outlook of harmony and all nations. For example, after the establishment of the Western Zhou Dynasty, not only the descendants of merchants were sealed in the Song Dynasty, but also Shennong, Huangdi, Yao, Shun, and Yu all had their own fiefs, which is important different from the imperial view of aggression and expansion. Early cultural exchanges between China and the West have appeared more than 5,000 years ago, and China has accepted sheep, cattle, wheat, metallurgy, etc. from the West while passing on faience, millet, millet, etc. After the opening of the Silk Road in the Han Dynasty, silk, porcelain, papermaking, printing, compass, cast iron technology and other daily necessities and civilian technologies spread from China to all parts of the West, and the mode of dissemination was peaceful exchanges and commercial trade rather than aggressive wars. Exchanges and mutual learning and peaceful coexistence with other civilizations are the consistent ways of the Chinese nation to deal with the world. The development of Chinese civilization is an example of the common progress of different civilizations through mutual dialogue and mutual integration. In today's world, there are more than 200 countries and regions, more than 2,500 ethnic groups and many religions, and different civilizations have their own characteristics and strengths. Only by mutual respect, interdependence, tolerance and mutual learning and common development can human civilization continue to develop and progress.
    Peace is also an important norm of Chinese ethics and thought. Chinese's quest for peace is also embodied in social and moral outlooks. "Harmony with real creatures, the same does not continue", "Gentlemen are harmonious but different, villains are the same but not harmonious", "The beauty of harmony lies in the unity of differences". China's geographical environment is vast and diverse, and its ethnic cultures are diverse, but about 6,000 years ago, an early Chinese cultural circle was formed, and all ethnic groups formed a strong sense of community, common value pursuit and cultural identity in their long-term development, which is the inevitable result of the development of harmonious and different concepts. Only when the five tones are harmonious can there be a melody, and the harmony of the five flavors will become delicious. Harmony and difference are the secret of harmony and stability in human society. Goodness is like water, and the benevolent loves others. From loving oneself and one's family to loving others and society, this is the core content of the virtues of the Chinese nation. Combining the values of peace with "benevolence", we practice the concept of peace through care for others. For more than two thousand years, China was the world's largest economy for most of the time, but China did not expand or colonize the outside world, which is a testament to the kindness and fraternity of the Chinese nation.
    Promote the continuous development and progress of cross-strait relations Ancient China advocated harmonious coexistence and harmony among all nations under the world, and did not kill indiscriminately and sacrifice people, forming an international outlook of harmony and all nations. For example, after the establishment of the Western Zhou Dynasty, not only the descendants of merchants were sealed in the Song Dynasty, but also Shennong, Huangdi, Yao, Shun, and Yu all had their own fiefs, which is important different from the imperial view of aggression and expansion. Early cultural exchanges between China and the West have appeared more than 5,000 years ago, and China has accepted sheep, cattle, wheat, metallurgy, etc. from the West while passing on faience, millet, millet, etc. After the opening of the Silk Road in the Han Dynasty, silk, porcelain, papermaking, printing, compass, cast iron technology and other daily necessities and civilian technologies spread from China to all parts of the West, and the mode of dissemination was peaceful exchanges and commercial trade rather than aggressive wars. Exchanges and mutual learning and peaceful coexistence with other civilizations are the consistent ways of the Chinese nation to deal with the world. The development of Chinese civilization is an example of the common progress of different civilizations through mutual dialogue and mutual integration. In today's world, there are more than 200 countries and regions, more than 2,500 ethnic groups and many religions, and different civilizations have their own characteristics and strengths. Only by mutual respect, interdependence, tolerance and mutual learning and common development can human civilization continue to develop and progress. Peace is also an important norm of Chinese ethics and thought. Chinese's quest for peace is also embodied in social and moral outlooks. "Harmony with real creatures, the same does not continue", "Gentlemen are harmonious but different, villains are the same but not harmonious", "The beauty of harmony lies in the unity of differences". China's geographical environment is vast and diverse, and its ethnic cultures are diverse, but about 6,000 years ago, an early Chinese cultural circle was formed, and all ethnic groups formed a strong sense of community, common value pursuit and cultural identity in their long-term development, which is the inevitable result of the development of harmonious and different concepts. Only when the five tones are harmonious can there be a melody, and the harmony of the five flavors will become delicious. Harmony and difference are the secret of harmony and stability in human society. Goodness is like water, and the benevolent loves others. From loving oneself and one's family to loving others and society, this is the core content of the virtues of the Chinese nation. Combining the values of peace with "benevolence", we practice the concept of peace through care for others. For more than two thousand years, China was the world's largest economy for most of the time, but China did not expand or colonize the outside world, which is a testament to the kindness and fraternity of the Chinese nation.
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  • 和平性植根于中华文明深处
    和平性植根于中华文明深处 中华民族是爱好和平的民族,深知和平之宝贵。和谐稳定是中华民族几千年来的生活方式,和平共生是中华民族几千年来的处世之道,和合仁善是中华文明几千年来的文化基因。在长期发展中,中华文明形成了特有的天人合一的宇宙观、协和万邦的国际观、和而不同的社会观、人心和善的道德观、和平正义的战争观,和平性植根于中华文明深处。 中国古人认为,天地化育万物、诞生人类,天地人互相联系。天人合一的宇宙观强调普遍联系和整体思维,将自然之道和人间伦理有机联系起来。宇宙万物、人类社会既千差万别又是一个统一整体,和合相生、生生不息。这一宇宙观蕴含着顺应自然、敬畏自然、敬畏秩序的文化基因。和谐、稳定、秩序是中华先民史前时期就形成的生活方式,并一直延续下来。比如,考古发现表明,八千年前西辽河流域兴隆洼文化的村落里房屋成排分布,六千多年前黄河中游仰韶文化的姜寨等村落里房门朝向中央广场,都显示出社会内部崇尚集体利益,社会秩序井然。八千年前黄河流域裴李岗文化等的墓葬排列整齐,已有“族葬”习俗,将现实社会秩序延伸到身后世界。无论是聚落、墓葬的排列有序,还是都邑的中轴对称,礼器的成组成套等,都体现出中国人对秩序和稳定的不懈追求。
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  • "To understand the real continent, you must come and see it with your own eyes"

    For 4 days, the campers also visited the exhibition "Siku Quanshu" in Lanzhou Wenshu Pavilion, visited the advanced production line in Qilian Tibetan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in Tianzhu County, visited the county's 1 billion yuan edible fungus production base, followed the white yaks walking by the road, watched the sunset scenery of the National Wetland Park in Zhangye City, saw the colorful Danxia landforms, inspected the ecological protection of the Qilian Mountains, participated in the investment promotion meeting to understand business opportunities, and went deep into the street market between activities, visited the night market to taste snacks, and felt the abundance of the people and customs.
      Most of the campers are coming to Gansu for the first time, and what they see and hear in 4 days is more rewarding. Li Hongkun, a Taiwanese youth who works in Beijing, said the most impressive part of the trip was the household survey, and "you can feel the happiness and satisfaction of the residents from the smiles on their faces." He believes that there is often some negative news about the mainland on the island, but to understand the real mainland, you must come and see it with your own eyes.
      Liao Yishou, a junior student at Pingtung University of Science and Technology, came to the mainland for the first time. He told reporters that he had only known that big cities such as Shanghai and Chengdu were prosperous before, but he had only heard a little about poverty alleviation on the mainland. Some people on the island often say that the mainland side is conservative, but this time I feel that everyone is very sincere and open, "This also makes me think about whether the news on the island of Taiwan needs to be improved, and cross-strait exchanges are the most valuable." ”
    Huang Minru, a Taiwanese student at Zhengzhou University, said, "During household research, farmers told me that their per capita annual income has increased from 2,700 yuan to 30,000 yuan. This time, I saw the original copy of the "Siku Quanshu" in the Lanzhou Wenshu Pavilion, "Tracing means tracing the origin, and it is very important to study in the mainland and understand cultural history." She hopes to make more contributions to cross-strait exchanges, "Taiwanese classmates who have never been to the mainland told me that they especially want to go to the mainland when they see my social software dynamics." ”
    "To understand the real continent, you must come and see it with your own eyes" For 4 days, the campers also visited the exhibition "Siku Quanshu" in Lanzhou Wenshu Pavilion, visited the advanced production line in Qilian Tibetan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in Tianzhu County, visited the county's 1 billion yuan edible fungus production base, followed the white yaks walking by the road, watched the sunset scenery of the National Wetland Park in Zhangye City, saw the colorful Danxia landforms, inspected the ecological protection of the Qilian Mountains, participated in the investment promotion meeting to understand business opportunities, and went deep into the street market between activities, visited the night market to taste snacks, and felt the abundance of the people and customs.   Most of the campers are coming to Gansu for the first time, and what they see and hear in 4 days is more rewarding. Li Hongkun, a Taiwanese youth who works in Beijing, said the most impressive part of the trip was the household survey, and "you can feel the happiness and satisfaction of the residents from the smiles on their faces." He believes that there is often some negative news about the mainland on the island, but to understand the real mainland, you must come and see it with your own eyes.   Liao Yishou, a junior student at Pingtung University of Science and Technology, came to the mainland for the first time. He told reporters that he had only known that big cities such as Shanghai and Chengdu were prosperous before, but he had only heard a little about poverty alleviation on the mainland. Some people on the island often say that the mainland side is conservative, but this time I feel that everyone is very sincere and open, "This also makes me think about whether the news on the island of Taiwan needs to be improved, and cross-strait exchanges are the most valuable." ” Huang Minru, a Taiwanese student at Zhengzhou University, said, "During household research, farmers told me that their per capita annual income has increased from 2,700 yuan to 30,000 yuan. This time, I saw the original copy of the "Siku Quanshu" in the Lanzhou Wenshu Pavilion, "Tracing means tracing the origin, and it is very important to study in the mainland and understand cultural history." She hopes to make more contributions to cross-strait exchanges, "Taiwanese classmates who have never been to the mainland told me that they especially want to go to the mainland when they see my social software dynamics." ”
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