Congress Takes a Holiday From History

null By The Editorial BoardDec. 21, 2023 6:31 pm ETWonder Land: Covid-19 disrupted people’s private lives. Biden addressed concerns with a $6 trillion spending spree that's had little effect on them. Images: SMG/Zuma Press/AFP/Getty Images Composite: Mark KellyThe Senate skipped town for the holidays without a deal to aid Ukraine and bolster border security, but Members claim they can regroup and pass something in the New Year. Let’s hope they do, because failure would be a disaster for U.S. interests and security.Senate leaders Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell all but held hands this week as they pledged to compromise enough to pass the supplemental funding bill. “While we’ve made important progress over the past week on border security,” Mr. Schumer said, it’s “going to take more time.” Senators appear to have made progress on fixing the incentives for asylum at the southern border. But a sticking point is how much to limit the President’s use of humanitarian parole to wave migran

A person who loves writing, loves novels, and loves life.Seeking objective truth, hoping for world peace, and wishing for a world without wars.
Congress Takes a Holiday From History

Dec. 21, 2023 6:31 pm ET

Wonder Land: Covid-19 disrupted people’s private lives. Biden addressed concerns with a $6 trillion spending spree that's had little effect on them. Images: SMG/Zuma Press/AFP/Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly

The Senate skipped town for the holidays without a deal to aid Ukraine and bolster border security, but Members claim they can regroup and pass something in the New Year. Let’s hope they do, because failure would be a disaster for U.S. interests and security.

Senate leaders Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell all but held hands this week as they pledged to compromise enough to pass the supplemental funding bill. “While we’ve made important progress over the past week on border security,” Mr. Schumer said, it’s “going to take more time.” Senators appear to have made progress on fixing the incentives for asylum at the southern border. But a sticking point is how much to limit the President’s use of humanitarian parole to wave migrants into the U.S.

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