The Bipartisan Silence on Entitlement Reform

null Dec. 4, 2023 5:09 pm ETThe U.S. Capitol, Dec. 1. Photo: elizabeth frantz/ReutersAlan Blinder rightly decries the bipartisan addiction to deficit spending (“Congress’s Bipartisan Alfred E. Neuman Caucus,” op-ed, Nov. 28). He could have been much harder on so-called fiscal conservatives, who only seem to take a principled stand on spending when a Democrat is in the White House.Yet Mr. Blinder overlooks the decisive factor: entitlements. The political tug of war over discretionary spending matters little. Mandatory spending, for example on Social Security and Medicare, accounts for two-thirds of federal outlays. These programs are the major driver of current and future deficits, and they are fundamentally unsustainable.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8Sponsored OffersTurboTax: Save up to $15 with TurboTax coupon 2023The Motley Fool: Epic Bundle - 3x Expert Stock RecommendationsH&R Block Tax: 15% OFF DIY Online Tax Filing

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The Bipartisan Silence on Entitlement Reform

Dec. 4, 2023 5:09 pm ET

The U.S. Capitol, Dec. 1. Photo: elizabeth frantz/Reuters

Alan Blinder rightly decries the bipartisan addiction to deficit spending (“Congress’s Bipartisan Alfred E. Neuman Caucus,” op-ed, Nov. 28). He could have been much harder on so-called fiscal conservatives, who only seem to take a principled stand on spending when a Democrat is in the White House.

Yet Mr. Blinder overlooks the decisive factor: entitlements. The political tug of war over discretionary spending matters little. Mandatory spending, for example on Social Security and Medicare, accounts for two-thirds of federal outlays. These programs are the major driver of current and future deficits, and they are fundamentally unsustainable.

Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

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