The Texas Immigration Law Gambit

null By The Editorial BoardDec. 22, 2023 6:50 pm ETShareResizeListen(2 min)Wonder Land: The United States is often described as a 'nation of immigrants,' but with Biden’s open river or another Trump wall, the clock on American pre-eminence could stop, as illegal immigration taints the legal path to citizenship. Images: AFP/Getty Images/Zuma Press Composite: Mark KellyFrustrated by the Biden Administration’s immigration failures, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott this week signed a bill making it a state crime for migrants to cross the southern border illegally. The flood of migrants is a major state problem, but the only effective solution lies in Congress.The Texas law makes it a misdemeanor to cross the border illegally, punishable by up to six months in jail. Foreign migrants who attempt to enter Texas after being deported could be charged with a felony. A federal grant of asylum, lawful presence, or protection under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals would be an “affirmative defense

A person who loves writing, loves novels, and loves life.Seeking objective truth, hoping for world peace, and wishing for a world without wars.
The Texas Immigration Law Gambit

Dec. 22, 2023 6:50 pm ET

Wonder Land: The United States is often described as a 'nation of immigrants,' but with Biden’s open river or another Trump wall, the clock on American pre-eminence could stop, as illegal immigration taints the legal path to citizenship. Images: AFP/Getty Images/Zuma Press Composite: Mark Kelly

Frustrated by the Biden Administration’s immigration failures, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott this week signed a bill making it a state crime for migrants to cross the southern border illegally. The flood of migrants is a major state problem, but the only effective solution lies in Congress.

The Texas law makes it a misdemeanor to cross the border illegally, punishable by up to six months in jail. Foreign migrants who attempt to enter Texas after being deported could be charged with a felony. A federal grant of asylum, lawful presence, or protection under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals would be an “affirmative defense” from prosecution.

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