Union to Eric Adams: Drop Dead

null By The Editorial BoardDec. 15, 2023 6:34 pm ETWonder Land: The United States is often described as a 'nation of immigrants,' but with Biden’s open river or another Trump wall, the clock on American pre-eminence could stop, as illegal immigration taints the legal path to citizenship. Images: AFP/Getty Images/Zuma Press Composite: Mark KellyPublic unions are big cities’ toughest customers, even for an ally like New York’s Eric Adams. The mayor is patching the city’s budget amid a growing migrant crisis, but government workers are dragging him to court to block cost savings.One of New York’s largest public unions sued Wednesday to prevent City Hall from curtailing a costly jobs program. The parks and sanitation departments currently pay welfare recipients to do custodial work, but the city’s Office of Management and Budget wants to save money by shifting about 2,300 of those positions to outside firms. These savings are low-hanging fruit for a city with a $7 billion budget gap, but

A person who loves writing, loves novels, and loves life.Seeking objective truth, hoping for world peace, and wishing for a world without wars.
Union to Eric Adams: Drop Dead

Dec. 15, 2023 6:34 pm ET

Wonder Land: The United States is often described as a 'nation of immigrants,' but with Biden’s open river or another Trump wall, the clock on American pre-eminence could stop, as illegal immigration taints the legal path to citizenship. Images: AFP/Getty Images/Zuma Press Composite: Mark Kelly

Public unions are big cities’ toughest customers, even for an ally like New York’s Eric Adams. The mayor is patching the city’s budget amid a growing migrant crisis, but government workers are dragging him to court to block cost savings.

One of New York’s largest public unions sued Wednesday to prevent City Hall from curtailing a costly jobs program. The parks and sanitation departments currently pay welfare recipients to do custodial work, but the city’s Office of Management and Budget wants to save money by shifting about 2,300 of those positions to outside firms. These savings are low-hanging fruit for a city with a $7 billion budget gap, but the union won’t budge.

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